So yes…,,.. this article is all about a book, a very beautiful book written by Bhagwati Charan Verma. It is a 1934 Hindi novel about the philosophy of life and love, sin and virtue. The novel was written, while the author was still practicing law at Hamirpur and brought him immediate fame, starting his literary career.
जीवन हलचल है, परिवर्तन है, और हलचल तथा परिवर्तन में सुख और शान्ति का कोई स्थान नहीं!
This is what the protagonist of the novel believes in.
Someone who found comfort in unrest, Chitralekha, is portrayed as a woman of exceptional beauty and wisdom.A courtesan who can be seen musing over the philosophy of life and love and seen debating and putting great hermits to shame.
Beejgupt and Kumargiri are the other two main characters who just bring life to the story with their different personalities and remarkable opposing ideologies.
This book which starts with a question and ends with the answer of it basically revolves around 6 persons but you will find it deals with 12 charecters. It shows how each of us is stuck between our heart and mind specially when it is about the love. In each paragraph one will find person is speaking different and thinking different. Yet you will not get confused even in single line of the book. While reading the dialogues one can feel that this book advocates patriarchal society but when one will understand the depth of characters he will understand it portrays women as the one who rule men and actually mentally they are way stronger and can make a man do what they want. Some might feel that the language used is very tough but it can be ignored as this book is set in Chandragupta Maurya’s era.This book which starts with a question and ends with the answer of it basically revolves around 6 persons but you will find it deals with 12 charecters. It shows how each of us is stuck between our heart and mind specially when it is about the love. In each paragraph one will find person is speaking different and thinking different. Yet you will not get confused even in single line of the book. While reading the dialogues one can feel that this book advocates patriarchal society but when one will understand the depth of characters he will understand it portrays women as the one who rule men and actually mentally they are way stronger and can make a man do what they want. Some might feel that the language used is very tough but it can be ignored as this book is set in Chandragupta Maurya’s era.
A great book indeed. Story flows naturally and language is simple. A very realistic portrayal of characters who get caught in the web of their desires. Most of the events take place based on the decisions taken on the spur of the moment(that is what most of us do in real life). Chitralekha leaves materialistic Beejgupt for spiritualistic Kumargiri (only to regret it later), thus setting a chain of events in motion. Yogi Kumargiri knows his imminent fall from grace but is helpless against the charms of Chitralekha. On the other hand Beejgupt rises above ordinary and gives up all his material comforts(does he too regret it later? nobody knows).
What I liked most is Beejgupta’s character and his views. His assertion that everything natural is highly overrated and all artificial things are not bad is very persuasive.
Have not we all pondered upon the great mysteries of life? Why are we born for? What is love, god all about? Here in the novel you can find pretty interesting philosophical answers to everything.The main topic in the plot was the definition of sin and virtue, and we go on to witness characters stating and pointing out what sin means to them.
“Central Idea: A man does not do a saintly act, nor does he commit sin; a man just does what he has to do.”
The conclusion we reach upon in the end is that “there is no such thing as a sin, we are puppets tied down to the circumstances and we do what we have to do.”
I did see the story as an approach to show the power of beauty,attraction and love too, how it influences our human minds and how we tend to get manipulated running after those desires.
If you like philosophy this book would surely give you food for thought and enrich your search for deeper meanings, for the rest of the readers its just the ramblings we do after drinking like a fish.